
       An Arabic word which means "the Right Way of Religion". It is the Religious Law of Muhammad's version of Islam. (S45:18). The same word is applied to the
Law of Moses, as the Sharia of Moses.

       It actually has very little foundation in the Quran but depends almost entirely on the actions and sayings of Muhammad - made at his whim and pleasure and bereft of any system of logic or justice - as transmitted down in the Ahadith. Sharia is similar to but not identical with the Jewish Halakha upon which it depends for many of its more sane and compassionate rules and regulations.

        These laws govern the life of Muhammadans which they consider to be the embodiment of the Will of Allah.

       The first and primary element of Sharia Law is the Quran. It is the final arbitrator and there is no other appeal.

       The second element of Sharia Law is known as the Sunna, the teachings of Muhammad not explicitly found in the Quran.

       The Sunna are a composite of the teachings of Muhammad and his deeds. The Sunna contains stories and anecdotes, called Hadith, to illustrate a concept. The Quran may not have all the information about behavior and human interaction in detail; the Sunna gives more detailed information than the Quran.

       The third element of Sharia Law is known as the Ijmaa. The Muhammadan 'religion' uses the term Ulamaa as a label for its  scholars of religion. These Ulamaa are consulted on many matters both personal and political. When the Ulamaa reach a consensus on an issue, it is interpreted as Ijmaa.

       The concepts and ideas found in the Ijmaa are not found explicitly in the Quran or the teachings of Muhammad (Sunna). 'Islamic' judges are able to examine the Ijma for many possible solutions which can be applied in a modern technical society. They are free to create new and innovative methods to solve crime and social problems based upon the concepts found in the ijma. These judges have great discretion in applying the concepts to a specific problem.

       The Qiyas are a fourth element of Sharia Law. The Qiyas are not explicitly found in the Quran, Sunna, or given in the Ijmaa. The Qiyas are new cases or case law which may have already been decided by a higher judge.

       The Sharia judge can use the legal precedent to decide new case law and its application to a specific problem. The judge can use a broad legal construct to resolve a very specific issue. For example, a computer crime or theft of computer time is not found in the Quran or Sunna. The act of theft as a generic term is prohibited so the judge must rely on logic and reason to create new case law or Qiyas.

       The Sharia is contained in principle, in the Quran as elaborated and complemented by the Sunnah (the life style and actions of Muhammad). On the basis of these principles, the schools of law that are followed by all Muhammadans to this day were developed early in 'Islamic' history.

       Sharia Law controls, rules and regulates all public and private behavior. It has regulations for personal hygiene, diet, sexual conduct, and elements of child rearing. It also prescribes specific rules for prayers, fasting, giving to the poor, and many other religious matters.     

       The Sharia, while being rooted in the sources of the 'Islamic revelation', is a living body of law that caters to the needs of the 'Islamic society'.

       The Sharia does not recognize any distinction between religious or secular law neither between the sacred and the profane. There is no separation between State and Mosque; the religion of 'Islam' and the government are one and the same.

        'Islamic' Law is controlled, ruled and regulated by the 'Islamic' religion. The theocracy controls all public and private matters (Example the Taliban of Afghanistan and the Mullahs of Iran to name two out of 55 countries).

       What westerners totally fail to grasp is the underlying and fundamental reason for such a doctrine:

       That, since the Quran is allegedly the word of Allah and since 'Islam' is the total submission to the will of Allah, then there is no way any believer or institution that can change a single iota of Sharia law as defined and canonized by the jurists of Muhammadan Islam.

        The decisions of the 'legislators' are final since the Sharia has no concept of Courts of Appeal to redress injustices and or to overthrow unfair judgements. In fact Sharia follows the Hadith more than the Quran even when they are at variance making the Hadith seem even more 'divine' than the Quran.

        For example, the Quranic punishment for adultery is the prescribed number of lashes but Sharia follows the deeds of Muhammad who ordered them to be stoned to death in emulation of the Biblical Law regarding adultery.

       The Sharia is severe in its precepts and punishments as well as being extremely discriminatory against women and any and all those who do not believe in Muhammadanism such as Jews, Christians, Hindus etc. It is intolerant of any other religious practices and manifestations; it does not allow the freedom of religious expression to any none believer.

       Anyone caught trying to convert a 'muslim' or any 'muslim' who converts, would be punished by death. The reason for such draconian rules is simply due to an all consuming sense of insecurity that underlines the whole of the Quran because it is not actually original but is derived from plagiarizing, pirating, plundering and/or perverting the precepts and laws of other religions - including those of pagan Arabia - and 'islamising' them under false pretences.

       Any religious belief system that is sure of its foundations and under-pinnings can never be afraid to the extent of being paranoid of any opposing one.

       It is a verifiable fact that in every Muhammadan country where Shariah is embraced, none believers face at best discrimination, social ostracism, harassments, prison, torture or death only because of their religious beliefs.

       Under the Human Rights Convention, any country which declares itself an Islamic Republic, that is follows the Sharia laws, should be expelled from any agency in the UN which deals with Human Rights, Women Emancipation, etc etc. because under such a politico-religious entity, neither females nor none Muhammadans have any rights and most of the other rules carry "cruel and unusual punishments".

32: 30 So turn away from them and wait: they too are waiting.

       #3656        "The Book" is not here coextensive with Revelation. Moses had, revealed to him, a Law, a sharia, which was to guide his people in all the practical affairs of their life. Jesus, after him, was also inspired by Allah: but his Injil or Gospel contained only general principles and not a Code or shari'at. The holy Prophet was the next one to have a shari'at or "Book" in that sense: for the Qur-an contains both a Code and general principles. This Sura is a Makkan Sura. The Code came later in Madinah. But he is given the assurance that he will also have a Code, to supersede the earlier Law, and complete the Revelation of Allah#

       *** These are deliberately and totally false conclusions since there is not any human being on planet Earth who can show a SINGLE verse in the Quran that represents a new, practical and spiritual precept, thought, concept or idea, that is either equal to or superior to any that the Quran has plagiarised, plundered, pirated and/or perverted from the Bible, the New Testament, Zoroasterian religion, Pagan Arabian religion, their traditions, their fetishes and or their scriptures.

       Sharia Law is anti democratic, totally theocratic, discriminatory, immoral, unjust, inhumane, racist and illogical.

       Sharia Law is Demonic and Satanic, bereft of any Mercy, compassion or Justice ***